charity poker

Poker for Prostates

On Monday night we held our 9th Poker for Prostates event!
It never fails, at every event there is someone that I am blessed to know, who steps forward and amazes me with their generosity! Thanks to him, I am forever grateful!  Once again, I am humbled by the support of all the participants and volunteers who made the evening a success.

The event resulted in 33 players who helped us to raise nearly $2,000!!

This moves us closer to our 2010 goal of donating $40k to PCF, which repesents an increase of 25% from 2009!!

 The action begins!                                  The final table!

 Steve, Mark and David                         Bruce 2nd Place, Brad 1st, Rob 3rd

Lucky Sevens

Monday the 7th we held our 7th FLHW Texas Hold ’em Poker Tournament. We started these in 2006 as another way to spread the word about Prostate Cancer screening as well as to allow people that may not play golf to come out for a good time and to help support FLHW.

Over the past three years the poker tournaments have raised approximately $10,000 of the overall $132,000 we have raised for the Prostate Cancer Foundation. I was rather proud when I added this up on Monday before the tournament.
At this week’s event we had 42 players and raised slightly more than $1,500! It was really great to see a number of first timers. I hope they enjoyed themselves and will come back for future events! The room and tables were packed! In the end Brad took first and Tim second.

I really enjoyed the evening and am looking forward to our next poker event in February!

Also on Monday I had my monthly doctor visit, Lupron shot, PSA test and quarterly Zometa infusion. The meeting with Dr. V was rather quick. My PSA rose to 108.8. We decided to maintain the current regimen through the holidays. I am feeling great and the other tests were in the normal range. When I return next month, on January 4th, as long as I remain pain free and my PSA remains somewhat stable, we will just continue on. (All of the pictures are here).