I always try to look forward, versus looking back and wondering and second guessing.I live my life looking through the windshield versus the rear view mirror.
So today we find ourselves at a cross roads, it’s time for a decision and a change.My appointment yesterday with my Oncologist was a real kick in the teeth. It seems my PSA decided to take a rather unexpected leap. It rose from 103 to 158.9! Wow, where did that come from? I feel like I was blindsided.
At first I was pretty bummed out as you can imagine. We knew we were playing a little bit of Russian roulette when we decided to switch back to my current medications last fall. At first we had no idea if it would work at all and if it did how long it would last. We were looking for and received stability, we got it for almost six months. On a positive note it got us through the fall, the holidays, a number of birthdays and more. I believe it was the right thing for us to do at the time. I have no regrets.
That being said, we now move on. On Friday I’ll have another full body bone scan. I was due anyway,but now the need is more pressing and the results may be more revealing. I’ll also have another PSA just to make sure there were no lab errors, etc. I’m not expecting this to be the case, since this is the same lab I have been using for three years. With the results in hand we’ll meet with Dr. V next Monday and decide the proverbial “what next”? At this point we are leaning towards starting DES, aka, estrogen supplements. At this point I’m not ready for another round of chemo. Additionally, my Alkaline Phosphate and Circulating Tumor Cell levels remain ‘normal’. Additionally, the hip and leg pain I have been experiencing appears to related to some mild arthritis. Given this news and all of the test scores, we are focusing on getting my PSA level down. Using DES may be the best method for us to achieve this goal.
I’m not sure what else to share at this point in time. It’s just another chapter in what has become my sardonic life.