
Thoughts from Gate A2

Well the trip back and forth to Boston went like most, uneventful. Mary took me to the airport for the 7:00am flight and then it was just a quick subway ride to Mass General.

I talked with Dr. S about reducing my dosage and he was willing to do so, however, it came with the following stipulation: if we lowered the dose, we couldn’t later increase it if we needed to. He left it up to me, but his opinion was to maintain the 75 mg level since the bone pain has subsided so much. If the fatigue and nausea become any worse, he said to call ASAP.

While yesterday was one of the better days I’ve had in weeks, today was a drain from the start. As I write this I still have an hour before the flight boards and 90+ minutes before we depart. Though the flight home is direct, it still takes nearly four hours flying against the jet stream. I’ve never been able to sleep on planes, but tonight could be an exception. The nausea has been mild today and I have just been pushing through the fatigue all day.

The good news is my appointments in Boston have now changed from every 3 weeks to every 6 weeks. So long beantown until late January!

3 Responses to Thoughts from Gate A2

  1. It must mean something good that the visits are farther apart! I hope you feel decent over the holidays and have a wonderful time! Sending hugs,

  2. David , i am happy to hear that the Boston trips will now be every 6 week. i would like to wish you and Your Family a very Merry Christmas.
    Dan J