Two years ago today (2/2/05) this blog was born. Two years, 200+ entries, Happy B-day blog!!! I hope it has provided insight, inspiration, laughter and occasionally convinced someone to act (get tested, change their diet, start to exercise, etc.). I try not to harp on the latter two, change is tough. All I’ll say is this, and I realize it’s easy to just say this; “don’t wait until you are forced to change, choose to change”.
I’ve also changed the template – it’s a work in progress.
Two years ago tomorrow I had my biopsy, enough said.
Where does the time go?
Monday will mark another month gone by and that means it’s time for a doctor visit!
PSA test, two minutes with Dr. H and thirty minutes in the chemo room. Certainly not “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, more like “The Bleed, the Blah and the Bleak”.
I haven’t talked much about the ‘Infusion Room’, as it’s better described as the ‘chemo room’. Most times all 15+ chairs are full, the occupants being mostly older patients, men and women, going through chemo. There are a few familiar faces, at least traces of familiarity. I think I remember a face from previous months? The treatments have changed their skin color, or their eyes are sunken, it’s not pretty, obviously.
With that in mind, I look ahead. I pray that my current treatment regimen can hold this beast at bay for months, years? Perhaps research similar to this article below is right around the corner.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
VANCOUVER – The growth of an incurable type of prostate cancer has been halted by using ‘decoys’ in a groundbreaking experiment at the B.C. Cancer Agency.
Senior agency scientist Dr. Marianne Sadar and her team have engineered a decoy molecule that not only blocked the ‘unknown agent’ that had caused the tumour’s growth, but actually shrunk the tumour.
As well, decoy molecules not ‘hitting the target’ apparently caused no adverse effects in the body of the animals tested.
“It’s incredibly promising,” said Sadar Wednesday of the discovery after eight years of work. “We might even be able to (with more work) completely eliminate the tumour.”
The results were published in the U.S. journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and followed Sadar’s work on the role of androgen receptors and their vital role in the disease progression.
Funds for the work came from two highly disparate sources: The U.S Department of Defence and the Country Meadows Senior Men’s Golf Charity of Richmond, B.C.
Prostate cancer normally progresses when male testosterone – androgen – binds then activates certain receptors.
However, Sadar discovered those receptors can also be activated without testosterone, such as when the so-called ‘unknown agent’ binds to a specific region of the androgen receptor.
“With the understanding of how androgen receptors are activated at this stage of the disease, we have identified a new (potential) drug target,” she said.
Sadar said work has already begun on potential anti-tumour drugs. She said her team’s next step is to “work backward” to discover why the process works.
If these further experiments are as successful, it could be “five to 10 years” until tumour-eliminating drugs are ready for human use, Sadar said
Vancouver Province
Praying for the very best results for you today (Monday)! I know what you mean by the chemo room. Such a mixture of emotions in there. Today is my monthly blood test too and then the Dr. on Thursday. Strangely each month becomes a little more nerve racking.