I was reluctant to provide this update, but now that my wife and my manager have given me the green light, the cat’s out of the bag!
Only due to the fact I have the BEST wife in the world, on July 16th, I will embark on a whirlwind and perhaps, a vacation of a lifetime.
On July 16th my friend and disc golfing buddy Peter and I will leave for New York City. We’ll hang for a day with his friend Phil (they wrote a book together; Deadly; the World’s Most Dangerous Everything – available now at Amazon.com)
On Monday evening we are off to London. That’s right, that’s London! And it gets better. We’re going to meet up with Peter’s son Joseph who is in the midst of a European Disc Golf Extravaganza!
After spending Tuesday and Wednesday in London (we’ll likely train to the disc golf course at Essex University) we are then off to Stockholm, Sweden. In Stockholm the plan is to spend 2 1/2 days playing Swedish disc golf. There are 88 disc golf courses in Sweden, and we’re going to play as many as possible. Did you know the sun stays up until like 10pm this time of year?
On Friday we jet back London, and catch a train Beaminster for the crème-de-la-crème… we’re all playing in the British Open (the disc golf version)!
Sunday night it’s a train back to London and then catch a Monday flight back to New York. A night of sleep and Tuesday I’ll be off to join the family at the Lake of the Ozarks for 6 days.
Did I mention that I have the BEST wife in the world! Seriously, in the midst of all of this….this unbelievably stressful situation, she’s letting me, encouraging me, to do this….I’m not sure there are words to describe how grateful I am….she’s the best!
In twenty something years of working – I have never taken two consecutive weeks off…..people, this is going to ROCK!
Good for you my friend. Good for you. Two weeks of dramatic environment change will clear your mind like you won’t believe. If you see the queen mum, tell her that TP says hey. Give Tony B my best also.
You’re right, that is going to ROCK! Have a great time!
Sounds like it’s time to crank up the Kenny Chesney again…..”Sweet summer time”
E3 (Engel, Engel, and Emer) in England… you boys will have a ball. London is one of my favorite cities in the world. Enjoy!!! Happy Golfing, Fore, or whatever it is you disc golfers say to one another! Cheers.