
2-4-05 a lifetime ago

The weekend passed and so did milestone number two without much fanfare or conscious thought. Having a biopsy last February 4th was not really a highlight. It was a painless procedure that was over within minutes. The outcome or results of the test were obviously life altering.

On Saturday it was the usual routine; a frigid round of disc golf, basketball and Mass. Though they lost a close one, the 3rd grade boys played awesome. I love to watch my son play. Although he’s got a ways to go on other skills, he is really learning to set a pick! He’s also starting to scrap for loose balls and will definitely get in someone’s way to clear a lane to the hoop! The entire team is playing so much better as a group.

Winter is passing slowly, though we have little to complain about as the temperatures have been well above normal. Things are supposed to return to normal this week, just as I was starting to think spring had arrived early. There is no doubt that spring is my favorite season. Blooms, green grass and the many reminders of “life”. It provides a lot of hope after the dreariness of winter. I’m looking forward to planting the veggie garden and anticipating the return of tulips, hyacinth and later on roses and moonflowers.

Two milestones down, with the two big ones yet to come.

2 Responses to 2-4-05 a lifetime ago

  1. Hi David,

    I have featured a post about your blog here and your FLHW Foundation at The Cancer Blog. Congratulations on your milestone anniversary! From a cancer survivor myself, I wish you many more to come.

  2. David,

    Really like the new look and the ongoing inspirational messages.

    First thought – 7.4 vs 1.85? Just a slight difference, right?? Regardless of the beginning number, the great news is 0.46!

    Second – anniversaries and milestones are God’s way of giving us scorecards. I fully expect we will celebrate decades’ more of these in your case!

    Last – ‘normal’ is whatever you define it to be. Don’t fret over the pizza, burgers, etc. Most of us can’t resist the temptation, but none of us would trade with you to live a healthier lifestyle.

    Keep up the good fight. Your faith, as always, inspires us.

    God bless.