Though I’m not having problems sleeping at this point, I am finding it difficult to initially fall asleep each night. The number and intensity of thoughts racing through my mind as I lie down seem to be increasing exponentially.
We experienced a snow storm yesterday, it was somewhat mild 3-5 inch range. Not to bore you with a weather update but my point in mentioning it was that when I went to bed last night it was extremely bright out. As I tried to calm myself enough to sleep I was able to look over and clearly see my sons face as if the lights were almost on. I couldn’t help but wonder “how in the world is he going to grow up without a father in his life?”. I was also struck with the thought of “How will she handle the pressure of being a young widow and raise him alone?” Needless to say my sleep was restless…..
As I write this it brings this thought to mind……”How do I approach this with a positive attitude?”
It’s Ash Wednesday…….