Background: on Sunday (the 12th) I was driving home from Home Depot and heard an ad on our local sports talk station (810 WHB).
They were asking for people to send in an email and explain why your foursome should play against Kevin Kietzman’s foursome. For those of you not in KC, he is the king of afternoon drive time, and has been for the past 6+ years.
Being a caller to the show 2-3 times a year (they know me as “Redbird”) Kevin and I would go back and forth about KC versus St. Louis. (I am a Cardinals, Blues, and Chiefs fan and occasionally have to straighten him out on why St. Louis is a better sports town but KC is a great place to live and raise a family).
So I sent in an email, bragged a little about the group of ringers that I could assemble and how we would kick their butts! I was pleasantly surprised when I received an email on Tuesday notifying me that I was selected. The only potential hang-up was we were to play Friday and I hadn’t even asked my potential teammates! It all worked out and on Friday morning at 8:00am Mark, Sean, Scott and I met Kevin’s foursome on the first tee at Loch Lloyd Country Club.
It was a beautiful morning, high 60’s with a slight breeze when we tee’d off. I won’t recount our round shot by shot but by the time we crossed paths with Kevin on the 13th tee, we were up by one stroke (at -8). We went on to birdie number 14 but could not convert again until 18 and went on to finish at -10. On the other hand they birdied 13, 15, 16 and 17 to beat us by one (-11).
In the end, it was all for fun…my team enjoyed a nice morning of golf and received many nice prizes which included a generous selection of certificates to local restaurants and several rounds of golf. We also were treated to a wonderful lunch at the club.
This alone would have been a great day by any stretch of the imagination but it wasn’t quite over. Next we drove to a driving range about 5 minutes up the road where the four of us each had a chance to win a loaded Chevy Tahoe. The shot was from about 220 yards and with a slight breeze from left to right it was nearly impossible to get the ball within the two foot circle! None of us came close but it was fun to dream about making it, even just for a few minutes.
For my partners, that was they end of the event, for me I still had about 20 minutes to prepare for my next step, a live interview on the air! It was a good thing I still had my notes from the Knights of Columbus meeting in my briefcase, so I reviewed those and made a few notes based on the days events.
The actual interview is a complete blur. I don’t remember much of what was said except that Kevin agreed to donate $810 to the FLHW foundation and offered to play in a golf tournament for the Foundation, which is still being planned. My objective of my brief time on the air was to introduce listeners to the foundation and provide some general information about Prostate Cancer. Since the show, I have been told on several occassions that the interview was heard and the listeners were not aware of prostate cancer, and/or its prevalance. Additionally, a couple of the men who were listeners have scheduled appointments for check-ups, which makes my time on the air very worthwhile. I am trying to get a copy of the interview to post here or at It was a wonderful opportunity and I can’t thank Kevin and everyone at 810 for the great day and the opportunity for the free PR. You guys are great!
As if this weren’t enough, Saturday we were invited to a new restaurant (the 810 Zone – 119th and Roe). It is the ultimate sports bar with LCD TV’s everywhere including one in EVERY booth! It is a very cool place with good food, great service…I can’t wait until football season, it is sure to become THE place to watch college football and the Chiefs!
After all that, Sunday was Father’s Day and after working today, I need to get to bed early – I’m beat!