Advanced Prostate Cancer

Dazed and Confused…..

By tomorrow at this time the CAT scan and the bone scan will be complete. I’m nervous, scared, petrified etc. Not at all about the tests, again, it’s the results of the tests that have me concerned.

Today is Valentines Day, it’s hard to be positive and put on a good face. I’ll try my best tonight, I love her so much, she is more responsible for the good things and success in my life than she knows. There is no telling what would have become of me if she had not come into my life.

Instant thought: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

D Day +1

Not such a bad day…..
1) Played disc golf, I got my first HOLE IN ONE!!!!
A rather short but perplexing down hill shot. It was freakin’ awesome. And there is nothing funnier than three forty something guys jumping around in the snow high five-ing each other! Thanks Pete and Rob it was sooooo cool!

2) Brad had his last 3 on 3 basketball game. He’s not much of a shooter but he can play pretty darn good defense. They won again, but “they don’t keep score”.

3) Rich, Mike, Brad and I went to the Kansas vs Colorado basketball game. Brad’s first, KU clobbered them by 29.

I told my dad this morning and then called the siblings earlier tonight… tears but a lot of shock.

I’m not going down without a fight but God I don’t want to die.

Instant thoughts: I love spring and glad it is almost here.

The answer is…..

My phone jsut rang, it was the doctor…..I’ve got it.
There apparently is a scale they use to grade cell degradation..
For me it’s a 7 on the right side and an 8 on the left. Next step, and CAT scan and bone scan ASAP next week.

I’m sitting at my desk, trying not to cry while at the same time trying to figure out how to say even a word to my boss without breaking down…..I’m outta here….more next time.

INSTANT THOUGHT: I don’t want to die, this is harder than I even expected, pray for me.


So I’m driving home from work today, bumper to bumper traffic and my cell phone rings. It’s my primary Dr., just checking in to see if I had the results of the biopsy. Nice touch…..just goes to show their not ALL bad. Just kidding doc, I can’t imagine modern medicine as primary care physician? Like a factory, next, next, next…..he’s a good guy though, as much as I can tell from the usual 5-10 minute visits.
I hope they call tomorrow, I don’t think I can last another weekend without knowing.
And on this upbeat note (finally, huh?!) I am taking the boy to see KU vs Colorado this weekend in Lawrence (thanks Rich). He’s never seen a live basketball game…should be a great time!

New item I’ll try to capture thinking about; Peter, disk golf, Doug, Dan, I love Mary, not really tired yet, work bites right now, night John Boy

The paradox….

Another day passes by, still no answer. I called the Dr.’s office an hour and a half ago to check. The nurse said the lab had not sent the results back yet, but she would check on them. I’m not holding my breath waiting for that call.

What a paradox, I’ve grown impatient waiting for an answer to a question that might in the end mean death! How ironic is that! “Hurry up and f*&^ing kill me!”

The wait continues………

Though I’m not having problems sleeping at this point, I am finding it difficult to initially fall asleep each night. The number and intensity of thoughts racing through my mind as I lie down seem to be increasing exponentially.

We experienced a snow storm yesterday, it was somewhat mild 3-5 inch range. Not to bore you with a weather update but my point in mentioning it was that when I went to bed last night it was extremely bright out. As I tried to calm myself enough to sleep I was able to look over and clearly see my sons face as if the lights were almost on. I couldn’t help but wonder “how in the world is he going to grow up without a father in his life?”. I was also struck with the thought of “How will she handle the pressure of being a young widow and raise him alone?” Needless to say my sleep was restless…..

As I write this it brings this thought to mind……”How do I approach this with a positive attitude?”

It’s Ash Wednesday…….

Just another day….

And so another day is well underway. No update on the test results.

So what will it be like when the phone rings and the doctor tells me the results? If it is an infection, who cares what my reaction is! However, if it is worse…will I break down on the spot? Will I keep a stiff upper lip and be strong like usual? How will I tell my wife? My family? My friends?

What comes next? Surgery and the risks associated? Chemotherapy or radiation
losing my hair? Weight loss? Physical sickness?

I wish this would have never happened, I really wish the phone would ring……

Worry, worry, worry……..

At this point I haven’t shared what was going on with many people….what’s the point until we know. I did tell me brother on Friday. We were talking on the phone, it had been a few weeks since we had spoken, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

My dad doesn’t know. He’s 73 and had prostate cancer about 5 or so years back. I just can’t tell him yet.

We did have a good weekend though, mostly due to the distraction of disc golf, basketball games, camps, a church dinner/auction, cub scout events and the Super Bowl. But now it is back to rat race and moments like this when I am almost forced to stop and think and worry…..

God I love my wife dearly. Do I tell her enough? I hope she knows how much she means to me, how much I owe her

for making me the person I am today.

tick, tick, tick, tick……………….

Step 1 – the biopsy….and the waiting begins

Yesterday at this time I was preparing for the biopsy. Though not painful, it was an uncomfortable process. It only takes about 10-15 minutes.

Dr. Davis is a good guy, excellent bedside manner. Consoling, comforting etc.

So now the hard part begins….waiting for the test results….it could be up to five days. The good news would be an infection treatable with medication. The bad news would be prostate cancer and perhaps worse if it is advanced and has spread.

And so begins a weekend of putting on a fake smile and trying to carry on….and countinuing
to pray…..

The start of the end?

I thought about starting this with links to resources about prostate cancer, but had second thoughts. Interested parties can easily find those on their own, just start at or and go forth.

So here I am, a 42 year old, white male and tomorrow I am having a biopsy to determine if the problems I am experiencing are ultimately diagnosed as Prostate Cancer. Grim thought indeed.

Worse case, unsuccessful treatment, or surgery and death. Best case, it’s simply prostatitis (sp?) and the wonderful world of medications will cure all. I’m remaining somewhat hopeful but because of family history and the number of symptoms I have, I am fighting to remain positive. I pray a lot more than I ever have.

I worry most about my wife and young son and how they would go on? Braggadocio aside, I am her life. We are very close and literally are each others world. She lost her mom at 8, the same age he is now. Financially she will be fine because of insurance and other investments we have made over the years. But I worry about them both emotionally and psychologically. I can’t imagine going on without her or him, it saddens me deeply. I pray a lot more than I ever have……