After allowing a few days to let the events of last week sink in, I find myself at peace in so many ways. Although I was very nervous about addressing the J&J team, the speech itself was extremely well received. I was grateful that they appreciated my humor and I was able to keep my emotions under control, for the most part. I can talk about my plight and the disease in casual conversation with ease. For this event I had prepared a dozen Power Point slides and 14 pages of speaker notes. I did this on purpose to keep my myself on point, as I tend to wonder in conversation, especially after being on Lupron for six years. I had a number of points that I really wanted to share and the notes were there to keep me on track.
After I concluded my presentation, I was approached by one particular woman that was so emotional she had written her comments on the back of her business card. We ended up talking and I learned that her father had recently passed from advanced PCA. She described it as him just giving up. The conversation was both touching and crushing.
Many of the attendees followed up with personal emails and comments here on my blog. One email in particular says so much:
Power of the mind, empowering the body with the support of loved ones to fight cancer is so much more powerful than people realize and you brought those ideals to so many people including myself. You changed the way I think and live my life – Thank you David! You are an inspiration now to so many.
I think I have found a calling. If not a calling, certainly my passion. Promoting my journey,and the fight that so many men are going through, is what I am meant to do. If it helps the life of even just one man, it is all very well worth it!