
Guarding my excitement

After receiving a call on Wednesday confirming our appointment in Houston, we scrambled to make the logistical arrangements.
With just 7 days to line everything up, we were scrambling to find airfare that didn’t cost us over $1,000!! As he has in the past a very dear friend stepped up with a few frequent flyer certificates. The are some people that can not be thanked enough, he is one!

So now I find my mental state to be somewhat the same as four years ago (see this post). I really hope everything we went through to get this appointment pays off. The doctor we are seeing is the Chair of the Genitourinary department at MD Anderson. He is an extremely accomplished oncologist. We are hoping and praying that he will have insight into a treatment or a trial that fits my case better than others we know about. I write this with extreme caution, as I don’t want to get my hopes to high.

In addition, Mary and I ever so slightly disagree on parts of the trip. I personally am ready to try just about anything beyond phase three, placebo controlled trials, She wants to proceed perhaps a little more cautiously. She is concerned about compromising my current quality of life. I’m tired of caution and feel our approach over the last four years have been pretty conservative. As always, we’ll take it all in, discuss and come to a decision that we both believe is best.

I know I have said this repeatedly, but at times I can’t believe how much I have changed. When I read the post I linked to above, I also read all the posts from April 2005. In some ways the words sound like someone else wrote them. It seems a lifetime ago. So much has changed, yet one crucial thing remains, I still have advanced, non-curable prostate cancer.

It’s spring in Kansas City and I love it. I didn’t have to look too far over the past two days to appreciate this; the red bud trees are blooming, spring flowers are everywhere and the sound of lawn mowers filled the air. I look forward to rose blooms, moon flowers, fresh garden vegetables and cool spring nights sleeping with the windows ajar. The sound of trains throughout the night and birds in the morning. For me, it’s THE time of year!
It’s also Holy Week. With that comes so many reminders of the sacrifices that were made for each and every one of us. I plan to make time this week to further reflect on what this means to me and how my faith had gotten me though the last four years.

Peaking ahead

As 2009 begins, a portion of my PCa journey is coming to a close. Today is chemo treatment #11, my 12th and final (for the time being) is January 26th. Today’s meeting with Dr. V will include discussion about what next? The options are dwindling, that is not to say we don’t have options, it’s just the number of them are lessening.

The current front runner is DES or Estrogen supplements. This has been shown to work over 50% of the time and lowered PSA up to 75% in some men (stats are from memory so don’t quote me). The side effects are breast enlargement but this can be alleviated by one pre-treatment of radiation to the breast bone. If we go down this path, I will certainly get the radiation treatment to avoid the use of the “manssiere” / “Bro” ( watch the whole clip!
Beyond that, there are a few clinical trials we may pursue including Provenge, and a few that are in early stages. It seems most other trials involve further use of chemo and trial drugs. No decisions have been made yet…we have a lot to discuss, think over and pray about over the next several weeks.
So here’s to 2009, may it bring good news to us and prosperity and good health to all of you!

Another year closes

So here we are at the end of another year, anticipating the beginning of a new year. I’d like to tell you that I am looking forward to 2009, but as always, I try not to look too far ahead. At this point, looking or planning beyond January is difficult.
Where some of you may be planning Spring Break or a big summer vacation, Mary and I cannot look that far ahead. I’d love to do something special with Brad this year, but we have no idea where we are headed, treatment wise, after the end of January. We have several options to consider, but we have not made any decisions. That decision will dictate a lot.  
Monday is treatment #11. It has been a fairly easy journey to date. I still have my hair, and the side effects are very manageable. After my last treatment on the 15th, the fatigue was a little worse than after previous treatments. Work was busy on Tues-Fri and I even attended several after work Christmas parties.  However, by Friday night and Saturday I was wiped out. I spent Saturday in the house, enjoying the Christmas decorations and reading a book. I’m not a particularly fast reader but I flew through all 359 pages of James Patterson’s ‘3rd Degree’ in just over one day.  I have since completed Sue Grafton’s ‘P is for Peril’, and am about to embark on 
‘Q is for Quarry’.
Christmas in the Emerson house was wonderfully relaxing. We had nineteen over to the house for Christmas and ten more last Saturday. A quick trip to St. Louis lies ahead and then life returns to normal.
The weather has warmed slightly in the last week and I have played a lot of disc golf. So much that Mary reeled me in this morning! I was pretty willing, as I needed a break. I’ll try to get in a few more rounds before returning to work next week, but we will see!
So what lies ahead for 2009? I think I’ll use the following mantra as the year begins; LBC – Life Beyond Chemo. A week after my last chemo treatment I will complete year four and begin year five. My how time has flown. The future is somewhat limited but we remain hopeful and confident we will find the right path and God will guide us appropriately. The number of options continue to lessen but we march onward and I therefore ask for your continued support and prayers.

And so it goes….

It seems treatment number ten is being tolerated as well as those that I have previously received.
I have been tired in the afternoon and evening the past few days and am able to fall asleep soundly by 9:30pm. Metallic mouth is reeking havoc again, I could really use a grande, skinny, vanilla latte, the caffeine would do me good, but the taste would not be so good!
I am about 30 minutes away from being off work for the rest of the year! Mary and I are headed to lunch, then I have to run a few errands. One of those is a trip to the post office, ewww!
Winter has fully engulfed Kansas City. With the temperature for tomorrow morning’s forecast at 21 degrees, I’m going to pass on disc golf. However, don’t doubt there will be a number of the regular gang out there tomorrow!
Updates over the next two weeks might be sporadic at best, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you and may the new year bring you much happiness and joy!
Peace be with you!

Another reminder that it’s not all about me….

With the risk of being repetitive, God reminded me today (once again), that it’s not all about me.

Friends of ours have been going through their own health crisis. I ask that you pray for them as they will be undergoing a major surgery tomorrow. Pray for success through surgery and comfort through the recovery process.

As I write this, I have just finished reading an email that was sent out as an update to family and friends. I have tears in my eyes as I can sense the fear and uncertainty in her words. Please send them strength through a prayer, or a silent moment, or however you choose. I would like to ask the Lord to watch over them, and have as many people as possible send some positive thoughts their way!

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of death.


On another note….

I know, it’s been awhile. I was just prompted this morning with an email from a total stranger, making sure I was OK. I am.

Work has been incredibly busy. Meeting after meeting after meeting. There was a day last week when I left the house at 7:00am and did not get back to my desk until 2:15. After barely looking at email for 30 minutes, I had another meeting with my Director and then I was off to my golf league.

When ‘the other David’ and I signed up for this back in January it sounded like a great idea. Leave an hour early each Wednesday, play nine holes, meet some new people.

Finding the time is going to be killer, enjoying it will not. So leagues began this week and the weather was fully cooperative. 70 degrees but a bit breezy, however, no complaints! Running behind I had no time to warm up or go to the driving range. I won’t give you a shot by shot narrative but my first shot found the sand……as did my second! I found myself on the back fringe facing a tricky, downhill putt to save bogey. Not wanting to run it by the cup, I barley stroked it but it kept rolling and rolling and finally stopped…..IN THE HOLE! Some of you may not be too proud of a bogey, I’m about an 18 handicap and to start the first hole of the year in this fashion was just what I needed. In the end we accomplished our goal for the year, we had fun, I had a few more good holes (and a few bad) but it was a wonderful start.

To finish the day, I got home at 7:30, quickly ate dinner and attempted to finish compiling the catalog for our church auction. This is another reason I have been lax in keeping up the blog. I spent at least four hours a night for 7-8 days working on this masterpiece. Wednesday I was up past midnight, by Thursday I was wiped out. If you are interested, click on “Auction Booklet” on this page.

So if you are wondering…..this is what I’ve been up too!

Health wise, nothing to report – I was having some leg pain last week, nothing a few Advil did not take care of…otherwise looking forward to my next check up on the 24th.

On another note:
Mary’s Birthday is today. I got her a ‘shopping spree” and a few other items. A fabulous dinner is in store as well. After all, she puts up with me and she deserves it…..and more!

Spring Break is coming up and we are off to Florida in a few weeks. As you may infer, I need a break from work anyway! I really like what I am doing, the people, etc, just need a break and a re-charge!

One for the money…..

The local news station was interviewing an 80-year-old lady because she had just gotten married — for the fourth time.

The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt like to be marrying again at 80, and then about her new husband's occupation. 'He's a funeral director,' she answered.

'Interesting,' the newsman thought. He then asked her if she wouldn't mind telling him a little about her first three husbands and what they did for a living.

She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years. After a short time, a smile came to her face and she answered proudly, explaining that she'd first married a banker when she was in her early 20's, then a circus ringmaster when in her 40's, later on a preacher when in her 60's, and now in her 80's, a funeral director.

The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men with such diverse careers.

She smiled and explained, 'I married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go.'
Some days you cry and some days you laugh…… thanks Dan, the timing of this was ideal.

Two Big Thumbs

I wrote back in December about a “good” cry we had watching a movie [here], well it happened again this weekend. Brad suggested we watch “Bridge to Terabithia” Friday night. Thinking it similar to a Lord of the Rings, sci-fi, fantasy movie I agreed, Mary did so reluctantly.

I am here to report, it is anything but that! It’s a great movie, I would highly recommend it, two thumbs up and all that! I’m not going to give away the movie, but let’s just say once again I was weeping like I’d been cutting onions!

Due to the medications I take, and their side effects (hot flashes) I can’t sleep passed about six thirty in the morning. So on the weekends, if we don’t have a ball game, or disc golf, I usually get up and watch movies. This weekend it was ‘The DaVinci Code‘ [big thumbs down] and ‘We Are Marshall‘ [two thumbs up!]. I’m not sure how far they blurred the lines between fiction and fantasy with this one, but it didn’t matter, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

I also finished reading a book that was written by a friend from business school. “One Young Soldier” was written by Gary DeRigne about his experience in Viet Nam. It was a good read and opened my eyes to someone’s experience with war. Certainly a lot different than getting insight via “Platoon“, “Born on the Forth of July”, etc. [Mr Trueman, if you are still reading my blog, please send me your email, I lost it and I have a signed copy of the book for you].

Nothing further, two weeks until the next PSA test, time is dragging……….

…and now, back to the music

Mary and I shared a ride to work today. This is something we should do more often. It saves gas, gives us a few minutes together, alone.  I’ll try to make it more of a priority.
Before departing I’m searching my iPod for something different. I find CCR (Creedence Clearwater Revival). I never realized I had 22 of their songs? After a stop for gas and Starbucks, I drop her and the song changes to “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?”. As I always do, I take to words, and apply them to me, to the here and now.
(John Fogerty)
Someone told me long ago There’s a calm before the storm,
I know; It’s been comin’ for some time.
When it’s over, so they say, It’ll rain a sunny day,
I know; Shinin’ down like water.
I want to know, Have you ever seen the rain?
I want to know, Have you ever seen the rain
Comin’ down on a sunny day?

Yesterday, and days before, Sun is cold and rain is hard,
I know; Been that way for all my time.
‘Til forever, on it goes Through the circle, fast and slow,
I know; It can’t stop, I wonder.
