
What is it with bonfires?

There’s just something mesmerizing…I can’t find words to explain it. Even as I sit here enjoying this massive blaze here in north central Missouri.

It’s maybe 50 degrees, but with little wind and a big blaze, it feels like a little slice of heaven.

The weekend ahead calls for nothing but relaxation, books, movies and quiet.

I’m writing this from my phone, more later.

Did you feel that? I did!!!

I had my monthly doctor appointment today and it well on all accounts.

First, I’m not sure what they changed with the process but it was more efficient than ever!
Way to go KU Cancer Center!
My PSA currently stands at 93.08, that is down from 101.46 last month!
It seems that the current regime of medications continue to keep things stable.
On another note, it seems I may have re-aggravated my right leg, again. The weather in KC this
past weekend was unseasonably warm, well into the 70’s. Given that, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to play disc golf both Saturday and Sunday morning. Can you blame me? Sunday morning I had a really bad up hill shot through some trees and I twisted rather strangely on my follow through. I felt a sharp pain in my right hip and thigh for a few seconds, but as I walked off to the next shot it dissipated immediately.

It didn’t really bother me the rest of the round as witnessed by my beating the other two players. (I won’t name them to save them from the public embarrassment.) The pain didn’t surface again until trying to sleep last night and again today. Walking is fine but sitting and turning on the hip is tender.

We discussed this in detail with Dr. V and decided we will just be patient and see if it goes away like it had previously. Aside from Advil the only other option would be stronger pain killers and then radiation if it becomes persistent. I’m no where near that condition. It’s good to know what the options are should the pain increase.

With the drop in my PSA we have another 28 day reprieve. This time there is likely to be much less disc golf in between visits!

I’ll be brief…

I just ran across this and thought I’d share. It’s a quote from Mother Theresa.

The fruit of SILENCE is Prayer
The fruit of PRAYER is Faith
The fruit of FAITH is Love
The fruit of LOVE is Service
The fruit of SERVICE is Peace

Is it just me?

What the heck is wrong these people?!

I have this long sorted story about the inefficiencies and blundering of medical care.
This has nothing to due with the current ‘crisis’ as described by our elected officials,
but it does say a lot about health care.

This morning I find myself furious to say the least. I was supposed go in for a CAT scan and bone scan today, along with having numerous vials of blood drawn. Late yesterday afternoon Mary talked with the radiology lab to confirm the appointment for this morning. They needed to review the usual list of preparatory questions; “Is the patient experiencing any medical issues, etc. When they asked about allergies for the first time she had to inform them that I had an allergic reaction to the iodine the last time I had the scans. One would think that since the scans were taken at the same facility just 3 months ago, the reaction would be notated in my file, but apparently not. It was at that point and for the first time that we were told I needed to be on Prednisone the night before and morning of the scans. Yes, we had been told I needed to take Benedryl in preparation, but a prescription for Prednisone was never issued, nor mentioned for that matter.

This led to a flurry of phone calls from Mary to the nurse, the pharmacy, and back to radiology to make sure the prescription was written and issued to the pharmacy and the appointment was maintained. After Mary facilitated the situation, I took the Prednisone at 11:00 last night and we went to sleep believing that the crisis was solved. Oh no…not so fast!

Mary followed up this morning first thing by calling the Radiology department at 7:15 again this morning to confirm that I was still scheduled and on track. She was questioned about what dosage the doctor had prescribed. Apparently, it was half the dose that I ultimately needed. Consequently, I took the medication for nothing as the radiologist will not allow the scan until I have the proper dosage, as my allergic reaction can be dangerous. While I appreciate and respect this, I am infuriated that A. the prescription was not issued to begin with and B. It was the wrong dosage.

I repeat, I am furious but thankful I have this outlet.

I am not in the medical field. However, looking at this situation from a patient’s perspective, along with other expereiences I’ve had in the last few years, I cannot believe the way patients get treated. The blatent disregard for my my time, my schedule and ultimately, my health and my life is totally unacceptable. Is it that far fetched to expect that someone could have either
sat us down when we scheduled these tests and gone over this in detail or issued the prescription when we scheduled the scans so that we would be prepared.

So now we will spend most of the day getting my bone scan and then we have to be back at the cancer center tomorrow morning at 7:00 for the CAT scan.

Maybe I’m over reacting. Perhaps whining, a little and feeling sorry for myself. In the end, the results will be there next week when we meet with Dr. V, but that’s not the point, is it?

It fell upon us….

After having a fantastically mild summer, Fall fell with immediacy!
The leaves are changing, the morning temperatures are in the low 40’s and
thoughts of turning on the heat are dancing in my head. It’s too early though!

Saturday was BUSY! A quick round of disc golf and then I attacked the fence replacement
project I had been putting off for weeks. OK, before I bore you to death with my fence project
bringing it up has a purpose.

I have said here on numerous occasions that I am constantly amazed by the kindness of friends and strangers. Yesterday as I began the deconstruction part of the project my neighbor stepped through the newly created opening between our yards and announced “Since we share the fence, what can I do to help!” You’ll notice the punctuation, is not a questions mark, he did not pose it as a question. So, six hours later, after removing the old and installing most of the new, I couldn’t thank him enough. I once again thank God for the people in my life, whether they be family, close friends, neighbors or strangers.

This week includes a flurry of tests. Tuesday I will spend most of the day at the KU Cancer Center being poked, injected, scanned and x-rayed. I’m not sure what to expect when we review the results on the 12th with Dr. V. Once again, I feel great, after all I was able to spend 6 hours in the yard and the only part of me that hurts is my wrist from the reciprocating saw.
So what will these tests bring? Where will they lead us on this crazy journey? The uncertainty at this point can be a bit distracting. Mary and I are doing our best to not dwell on it at this point in time. No decision will be made on the 12th, since we hope to reach back out to Dr. L in Houston before our next decision. So it will be a few weeks and I’m just not sure what options
we will embrace….Stay tuned.

I promised pictures from the golf tournament and though I am waiting for more to come in I’ve decided just to post what I have for now.
I’ll try to post these tonight.

What? Me … Worry?

In just over 24 hours we will kick off the 5th Annual FLHW Charity Golf Tournament.

You’d think after five years I wouldn’t be worried, but I am. It always comes together, but as the big day approaches, there is always that apprehension and concern to make sure everything goes smoothly, no matter how much we plan and organize. We have such a great team, starting with the FLHW Board, and then the wonderful group of volunteers who make it all happen!
Except for a few singles, we one again have a full field of 36 teams.In this economy, I thought we would have a hard time attracting sponsors, but we are in line with last year’s sponsorships. We are blessed in so many ways!

The weather, which is always a reason for worry, was looking rather bleak on Tuesday’s forecast, however, by yesterday, it all changed. The forecast is now calling for a high of 74 degrees and partly sunny, the rain is supposed to hold off until late Friday night or early Saturday morning. We’ll take it!!!!!!
Pictures will follow over the weekend, maybe even a little video.
Thanks to everyone, especially Mary.

The wbmw…

I knew, just knew, that when I first saw her that there was something special about her. What I didn’t know was that we would eventually fall in love and spend the rest of our lives together.
While we have known each other for well over twenty years, it was eighteen years ago today that we were married.
As I have said here (not often enough I realize) is what she does for me is beyond special. What she means to me and how different I would be without her cannot be described by a few words on these pages.
She jokingly reminds me from time to time the she is “The wind beneath my wings” and you know what? She’s right on the money!
Without you, I’m nothing
With you, anything is possible

Peace be with you my friend

We are saddened by the news that our dear friend Mark B passed away yesterday morning after battling Sarcoma. We are comforted that he is no longer suffering and continue to pray for Beth, Tony, Nick and Erin that they will continue to find strength and comfort in the many wonderful memories they have shared through the years. Mary and I cherish the many good times that we have shared with them and will always have a special place in our hearts for Mark.


Absolve, we beseech Thee,
O Lord, the soul of Thy servant Mark,
from every bond of sin,
that being raised in the glory of the resurrection,
he may be refreshed among the Saints and Elect.
Through Christ our Lord.


Aussie and Hawkeyes

I find myself a little somber this morning. Even though a week of rain has finally broken, emails
and news of the health of a dear friend have me wondering.

This first is an email from a great guy in Austrailia. Terry, a PCa survivor. He runs this great website, “You Are Not Alone” or YANA. I found it four years ago when I was first diagnosed. It really helped to read stories of other men, with similar diagnosis.

Terry recently wrote his thoughts on death and dying:

I have only read parts of it, as I can’t make myself read it all. The piece has stirred up a lot of
fantastic conversation.

The second bit of news requires a call for prayers. A dear friend of ours is battling Sarcoma.
He is home with his family and hospice has been brought in to assist. His dear wife is seeking
the help of one more hospital and I ask you to join me in praying that they are able to offer help.
He is a wonderful man, with an infectious smile. Though we haven’t seen them recently, I can picture his face and see his smile as if he were sitting right here with me this morning.

This is for you Mark, go Hawkeyes!

Prayer to Saint Peregrine ~ Patron Saint to cancer patients
O great St. Peregrine,
you have been called “The Mighty,”
“The Wonder-Worker,”
because of the numerous miracles
which you have obtained from God
for those who have had recourse to you.

For so many years
you bore in your own flesh
this cancerous disease
that destroys the very fiber of our being,
and who had recourse
to the source of all grace
when the power of man could do no more.

You were favored with the vision of Jesus
coming down from His Cross
to heal your affliction.

Ask of God and Our Lady,
the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
(Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying)

Aided in this way by your powerful intercession,
we shall sing to God,
now and for all eternity,
a song of gratitude
for His great goodness and mercy.