As much as I try there are times in this journey, like right now, that I cannot help but spend a lot of time wondering and worrying. Overall I remain positive, but it’s only natural that I ‘suppose’ in my thoughts. The good news is starting May 1st my life is going to get rather busy (busier than it currently is, if that is possible!) and that will provide less free time for my mind to wander.
I have another speech early in the month, two events for the foundation, one on the 6th and the other on the 14th, Brad has confirmation, graduation and then we are taking a trip to Florida. June will include Mary having a medical procedure of her own followed by substantial recovery. In July I will be going to Chicago to see U2 with a few friends, followed by my 30th High School Reunion in St. Louis. At the end of the month we are going to the Kenny Chesney concert with one of my favorites, the Zac Brown Band. For the latter event I will finally be meeting a fellow PCa survivor and dear friend Tony. After all of this, Brad will be starting high school in August and well, life will go on. I’m tired just reading this list!
In this midst of all this hustle and bustle, I really need my trial medication to kick in. My PSA needs to stabilize at a minimum and actually decrease significantly. If not, what lies ahead is some combination of Provenge, chemo, and perhaps other clinical trial drugs. Some MAY be more promising than others, but it is the current medication we are counting on for results.
I’m going to do my best to focus on the list above, yard work and various home repair projects we are in the midst of currently. There are times when I am real good at it, there are others like now when I struggle. In the end, things could be far worse for me, so I stop, say a prayer and count the many blessings in my life.
Tomorrow is what I really hope is my last trip to Atlanta. We are very happy with the medical staff in Atlanta, it is just that the logistics are time consuming, expensive and ultimately exhausting. My case will be transferred to my regular Oncologist locally at the KU Cancer Center. Additionally, per the trial protocal, my visits will become monthly instead of bi-monthly. Your prayers for a lower PSA, or at a minimum a stable PSA would be greatly appreciated.