I’m sitting here on the deck this morning trying to come up with something creative to post? You see, tomorrow is our nineteenth wedding anniversary. I think I was trying to hard, it was right there in front of me all the time.
The picture above was taken at a wedding two weeks ago. It was one of those pictures where you hold your cell phone at arms length and hope you capture a half way decent shot. In this case it was absolutely spot on!
The picture is almost as perfect as her. She is truly and honestly my best friend. I would be a shell of who I am today without her. On one hand, nineteen years has gone by in a flash, on the other, it is filled with so many, wonderful, beautiful memories.
As you might be able to imagine the last five years have been particularly stressful for us. Through it all she remains hopeful and positive. While this may seem expected in a spouse, I know through this experience and meeting other couples battling PCa that it is not always the case. This disease is not only mine, it is ours. With that burden I have yet to hear complaints. Yes the occasional ‘I wish there was a cure’ or ‘I wish the FDA would hurry up and approve that new treatment.’ As it relates to us and our battle, she is, as I have mentioned here before, my Gibraltar.
No relationship, friendship or partnership is perfect, but if this is wedded bliss, I’ll have another helping please!