I’ve written here are a few times about a recently approved and very exciting new treatment for advanced prostate cancer, a drug known as Provenge. Well it seems the demand is far exceeding the company’s capacity to keep up. This is something I saw first hand back in March and something that the company has been very clear about since the FDA approval in late April.
From Bloomberg: Rationing of Provenge
It’s just kind of sad to see in writing and know that even after Dendreon expands their existing facility and opens two others by the middle of next year, it will take some time to clear the back log of patients.
By the way, the title had nothing to do with my personal situation. Yesterday I received my 14th and final radiation treatment. For the most part the whole process was easy. I had some increased pain the first week and was rather fatigued as well. I have however been completely off pain meds for a week now and the fatigue is in the past as well.
We met briefly with the radiation oncologist and I can begin to exercise again but to avoid any exercise involving my legs for the next few weeks. Walking will be fine, but I have to avoid sit-ups so there goes the six pack abs I was working on! Disc golf of course is still a non-issue for at least two months, that is a hard pill to swallow, but I am very thankful that the pain is gone.