
It’s the final countdown!

As much as I never liked that song, it’s the best I can do for now. Creativity is lacking today!

This might be my last entry for a week or more. Though I’ll try to post a few updates from internet cafes, I’ll have a few other priorities:

1) Call Mary daily
2) Call Mary daily
3) Have fun
4) Play a boat load of disc golf
5) Did I mention call Mary daily?
6) Post blog updates

I love keeping you all updated, but sorry, you’re a distant 6th!

The web site for the British Open is:
I share that reluctantly. If they post scores on Saturday and Sunday (July 22-23rd)
I hope my name’s not at the bottom of the Am’s!!

Here is where we are staying our first night in Stockholm; Notice the farmer’s market right out in front!! After that, it’s fly by the seat of your pants baby!!! Seriously, we’ll have a car and a map to the disc courses, but that’s it! [Sounds a little crazy now that I write it down!!!]

The television appearance went great, though I wish we had more time. In the end, we got our message across and got in a few plugs for the foundation and the golf tournament. The host, Jack Harry was very sincere. He was invited to be our honorary chairperson at the golf tournament! I’ll get the clip converted when I get back. I owe my Doc a huge thanks, not many people would take time away from their family to help a patient! Truly a world class guy!

This appearance has already led to a follow up. The same station runs a show from 10-11am called ‘Kansas City Live”. I’m scheduled to make an appearance on August 10th. More details to follow upon my return.


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