I don’t have for a lot of details yet, but want to share the update with you.
My Oncologist was able to get the contact information for the trial site in Atlanta. I left a message,it was returned, we spoke, exchanged emails, I sent some basic information and should hear from the scheduling nurse tomorrow.
Whew, feeling much better mentally today than yesterday.
The study nurse was quite pleasant and provided more information than I expected to
obtain. If everything works out, we’ll go to Atlanta next week to meet the doctor, study nurse, have multiple blood tests, an EKG and other various required tests. This might require an overnight stay. The following week, assuming everything checks out, I will start the trial and receive the medication.
Per the protocol outlined for this trial, every fourteen days I will have to return for the first three months. Then monthly there after. This is a lot of travel, but there are a few positives, direct flights and I should be able to fly back and forth in the same day for trips when I am just going for a blood test. Most importantly, we believe this is the treatment that will get the pc under control!
Think positive that this all works out!
Thinking and praying for you David!
God Bless and be with you during this,
Paula Fowler
All my positive thoughts are flowing your way.
Peace brother.
Great news. I hear Atlanta is beautiful in the spring time 🙂
Best of luck with the upcoming appointments.
Your friend,
Hey David – I try to keep up on your blog to see how you’re doing. The American Cancer Society has a Hope Lodge in Atlanta that might be of assistance for you.
Hope Lodge is a free place to stay for patients and their care-givers when they have to travel from out-of-town for treatment. If you would like more information you can go to cancer.org and search “hope lodge.” Also feel free to give me a call at 816.218.7282 or email at matt.martinek@cancer.org. Good Luck David.
Matt Martinek
American Cancer Society