If I’ve learned nothing else it’s this – don’t expect good news to arrive too many times in a row.
My PSA number now stands at 1.45 – this is up from .44 on January 27th, but still down from 1.85 on December 28th.
Worse case, we have two more rises in April and May and we start Casodex again (oral hormone blocker) and pray that it has some effect on the number. Better case, the number bounces around from time to time but remains at or near 1.
Are we worried? No. Are we concerned, of course. Fluctuation will happen so we just have to be patient, keep doing what we are doing, continue praying, don’t get stressed – relax and really enjoy our upcoming trip to Florida!
I was reading through my blog entries from last year at this time over the weekend, my how things have changed – and yet, stayed the same. So much unknown last year, so much unknown this year. But hope springs internal, or something like that…..
It’s March, it’s spring around here and life is renewed. I spent a few hours outside yesterday, tilling the garden, cleaning up the leaves that had collected over the winter. Hyacinth and tulip bulbs are exploding from the ground and the weatherman is calling for more rain this week to encourage the bulbs further. Unbeknownst to them, they will help encourage me.
You may have noticed the banner ad above for the “Cancer Mosaic” project. Click on it for further details – it’s a very worthwhile project in my opinion. You can find me there in a very meaningful location…….
Details will follow, but mark the date now;
2nd Annual FLHW Golf Tournament
September 29th @ 1:00pm
David, I’m with you, Sister M and Mister B during all the ups and downs. I’m with ya on the not worried but concerned perspective. You have always been, you are today, and you will always be, in God’s hands.
Enjoy Florida. Walk barefoot in the sand, take a long walk on the beach, watch the sun set over the ocean, feel the wind, build a sand castle and enjoy God talking to you through nature. No matter where you go He is there. Sometimes it’s just easier find him away from the hurried work life. God Bless and have a wonderful vacation.
god bless you and have a great time in florida