Tomorrow, August 18th, is a very significant day for two reasons:
First, it will mark 18 months since I was diagnosed. Wow, it seems like a lifetime ago!! So much has changed and so much has happened in my life. I find it incredible to think that it has been that long. As I reflect, I don’t think I have a whole lot to add that I haven’t said here before….
From my post on February 23, 2005:
“…hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.”
“Get busy living, or get busy dying.”
The second event is I will have my first PSA test since May. I’m pretty anxious. We won’t know the results until early next week. Where we left off in May is as follows: my PSA had risen between January and May, ending at just over eleven. A level below one is the level we want to reside. Days prior to the last test I began taking Casodex again with the intention of blocking ALL testosterone. I had stopped taking Casodex back in November when my PSA started rising the first time. In May my Oncologist told us to stay the course and take the summer off and not have a PSA until mid-August. This would give the Casodex ample time to work it’s magic. I pray it has again!
I just found out last night that a very good friend of my fathers is going through radiation treatments for Prostate Cancer. I haven’t talked to him directly so I don’t know any of the details at this point. Please find room for him in your prayers.
Over the weekend I will post the rest of my travelogue and photos. I added one below that wraps up Sweden and the the last will cother cover the British Open, the trip home and a wrap up on the entire trip. I’m not sure how entertaining they are to you but I started, and thought I’d go ahead and finish up!
David, you and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers. Eager to hear the results next week.
“Get busy living, or get busy dying.”
DavidE, That pretty much says it all. This is one of my most favorite quotes. I think I first heard it said by Morgan Freeman in the Shawshank Redemption. Time to get Busy…
Will be giving you the good vibes about your test results.
d Any Day Above Ground Is A Good One