
Why are we here?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. Is there a purpose, a meaning to why we are here? Part of me says it is to help each other. One can see this every time there is a crisis. People want to help and they do help…sometimes in overwhelming or extraordinary ways!

However, when there is no crisis, and we meander through our day to day lives, what is it we are doing to help one another? It seems very easy (natural?) to make decisions that benefit ourselves first and foremost. When it comes to making tough choices between something that will benefit you or your family or something that will assist a total stranger, that’s when it gets tough. I have no answer, I struggle with this like the rest of you. It’s just something that has been on my mind.

I also wonder, was the time and effort we put into our recent golf tournament worth it? It was successful but will the money we donate “make a difference”? The direct benefit to me and my case are unlikely. The longer term benefit to others is more likely, but unknown. I’m not discouraged, that is not my intent in this message….I’m just wondering about this as well. It’s not about me, my case, or me leaving a legacy. It’s about some 30 year old guy that in 10 or 15 years goes through this and will have more choices, better choices and hopefully, a cure!

And for my final topic of the day…Did you know that September was ‘Prostate Cancer Awareness Month’? I didn’t think so. Did you know that this month is ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’? I thought so! Here is my concern: A man has a 33% greater chance of getting Prostate Cancer than a women does of getting breast cancer!! I feel that there is so much work to be done to expand the awareness prostate cancer. My greatest concern is that what has happened to me can happen to so many others. The people that run the Komen Foundation are very good at promoting their cause. PCF can definitely learn from their example and vision! I read a story on Tuesday that Kodak is placing a pink awareness ribbon on the NASCAR that they sponsor? (click here) Where is the blue ribbon? Where are the blue ribbons on NFL, NHL or MLB helmets? I hope that the research that is supported by the breast cancer awareness campaign will benefit cancer patients suffering from other types of cancer. (Maybe even me!) I hope and pray that the organization that supports the PCF mission will continue to evolve and become more effective in promoting an awareness of prostate cancer and continue to acquire funds that will support the research required to find a cure. Personally, we are committed to support PCF and to do our best to raise the awareness of this disease in our community.

BTW – Go Cardinals!!!

2 Responses to Why are we here?

  1. There are many so called alternative therapies for breast cancer stage many of which I dont think actually do anything unless they are able to control the mind as well which has huge healing potential. I think most issues relating to breast cancer stage can be accommofdated to some degree with these altenative therapies but I would not let it be my only treatement in the fight against cancer.