
Worry, worry, worry……..

At this point I haven’t shared what was going on with many people….what’s the point until we know. I did tell me brother on Friday. We were talking on the phone, it had been a few weeks since we had spoken, it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

My dad doesn’t know. He’s 73 and had prostate cancer about 5 or so years back. I just can’t tell him yet.

We did have a good weekend though, mostly due to the distraction of disc golf, basketball games, camps, a church dinner/auction, cub scout events and the Super Bowl. But now it is back to rat race and moments like this when I am almost forced to stop and think and worry…..

God I love my wife dearly. Do I tell her enough? I hope she knows how much she means to me, how much I owe her

for making me the person I am today.

tick, tick, tick, tick……………….