
You are late

Has winter got you down? Me too!

You are late

Where have you gone?
Patiently, anxiously, I wait,
for your arrival.

Unlike years past,
your teases and
days of temptation
have been lacking this year.

The days drag on,
cold, damp, dreary.
I long for you,
but you are late.

When will you come?
When will you temp me
with warm breezes,
the scent of hyacinth,
and green, green grasses.

2 Responses to You are late

  1. Like the spring weather I am late also.. Ijust read The simple things” post.. Three Cheers! for the lower PSA.

    Tom T.

  2. Hi – I am so inspired by your blog. It took some searching to find a blog from someone dealing with advanced prostate cancer – my dad, otherwise a healthy 58 year old grest guy, was just diagnosed. prostate cancer – t4a? (extending into bladder, gleason=8 – still learning the lingo) May i email you? I am looking for links that I can help him with.
    I can’t find your email.
    Your blog – I will be reading every day…thank you.