
Lucky number 7

On Friday, September the 30th, we held the seventh annual FLHW Charity Golf Tournament. As with the six previous years the weather was perfect for the event!

The day included reunions with old friends.

It included the sharing of valuable information on Prostate Cancer screening and the need to live a more active and healthier lifestyle.

Though a few friends could not make it, we were honored with their support for the cause of better treatments and additional research for a cure. 

 We took the time to celebrate friendships…..

… and to spend time with friends and family.

In the end, one team came was victorious, but all of us involved as well as the cause were all winners on this day!!

Six is magical

Tomorrow at this time I will be knee deep in getting the 6th Annual FLHW Golf Tournament off the ground. God has once again promised us a perfect day of 75 degrees and no rain! We’re six for six when it comes to the weather.

This year we find ourselves in an interesting spot; the number of players and teams is down slightly, we’ll have 31 total, but the number of sponsors and donations are up quite a bit. At times like this I’m so overwhelmed with others generosity, and I’m not sure what to say that will adequately express my appreciation. So I try to just smile and thank them once, maybe even twice, but it never seems to be enough.

In a few hours I’m off to the airport to pick up one of my life long friends. We go back more than forty-two years. He sacrifices a weekend from his wife and daughters each year, flies across the country and spends it with us. In addition a number of family and friends will come to Kansas City from St. Louis to spend a few days here as well. I’m not sure I can find words to appropriately thank them for their support and participation as well. I am truly blessed to be surrounded by friends, family and even strangers, all helping me do our little part to rid the world of this awful disease.

I’ve said before that since I was diagnosed, I didn’t ‘get’ cancer, God ‘gave’ it to me and it is up to me to figure out why and what to do with it. These examples are just a few of the many I have experienced in the past five and a half years that lead me to believe I’m getting closer to figuring it out.

Sunny day, keeping the clouds away….

For the fourth straight year we were blessed with ideal weather for our golf tournament! There was not a cloud to be found, a very mild breeze and the temperature was in the low eighties. Someone up there is watching over us!
The events of the day have left me somewhat at a loss for words…did you ever think that was possible?
We don’t have a final tally, but things are looking good for making our goal. I should have a better estimate after a few more payments come in over the next week and I receive the final bill from the golf course.
After two holes-in-one last year, no one was able to win the car or cash this year. All three flights resulted in scorecard playoffs and last year’s overall winners were able to defend their crown. The final scores and winners can be found at:
I’ll upload all the pictures tonight and provide a link in a blog post tomorrow.
I really cannot thank everyone enough, including those who volunteered, played, sponsored and supported us through donations. Each year this event seems to be more successful. Once again I am reminded not to underestimate the kindness and generosity of others!
This morning I find myself feeling really blessed!

Two, niner, zero, zilch, nill

Confused? Let me explain…..

Our 3rd Annual Golf Tournament was a tremendous success and I am proud to announce today that we raised over $26,000, exceeding our $25,000 goal. In addition, by adding the donations we received throughout the year, via United Way and a few other events, our total donation to the Prostate Cancer Foundation will be $29,000!

I am so very proud of the effort by the FLHW Board, friends, family and many, many others. Jim P., Rich and especially Pete, what you did this year is very moving. I’m struggling for words (hard to believe, I know!!) …in less than three years, actually about 30 months, we have donated almost $68,000 to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Each year the donation was matched bringing the total to nearly $136,000.

Here is one of the thoughts I shared before we began the tournament…..
“A thought to ponder. In its advanced form, prostate cancer is lethal, currently there is no ‘CURE”. As I mentioned, every 19 minutes an American man will die from the disease. To put this in perspective, one man will die for each hole we play today.”

So maybe we just did a little bit to change this to twenty minutes, or twenty one, or more!

Thanks everyone – I love you and couldn’t do any of this without you.