Last week was one filled with nothing but crappy news!
First it was my PSA increase on Monday (up to 430). It’s just a number and overall I am more focused on the other aspects of the disease like pain. While things seemed to be better over last weekend, by Wednesday my back reminded me that even when I feel good, I need to just chill out for awhile. That continues to be a struggle for me, I cannot be idle. I have been taking 4 Advil every 8-10 hours in order to function.
Last week we took one of our favorite books (‘There’s No Place Like Hope’) over to a neighbor who was about to have surgery to remove her colon. Wednesday was the surgery and it turns out things were worse than expected and the cancer had already spread. They scrapped the surgery and now she will start intense chemotherapy. They are younger than us but also have an ‘only’ (single child). I ask that you add them to your prayers and/or thoughts. They have a long, tough road ahead of them but their positive attitude is both infectious and admirable.
To the ‘C’ family, this one’s for you:
Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy. Amen.