Here’s what you do when you have cancer – you try to ignore it. Maybe not ignore, perhpas it’s better if I say go on without it as best you can.
Here’s what you do when you have cancer – you try to ignore it. Maybe not ignore, perhpas it’s better if I say go on without it as best you can.
Just a quick update from Monday
PSA, down 10%
Still 88 but the trend has been broken!
Also, the CTC (Circulating Tumor Cells) test came back at zero and my alkaline phosphates are normal!!
Not much else to report, four weeks from now we re-test for PSA again
and I get my quarterly Zometa infusion.
Now, back to my ‘normal’ life!
I’ll take a few points, just the beginning of a trend!
This morning I’m off to the doctor for my monthly shot and blood tests.
As always, it’s a crap shoot but my body is telling me things are going well on this new medication. At times, I find it somewhat amazing how in tune I am with every little tweak, ache, pain, etc. that I experience. It comes from four and a half years of constant worry, constant obsession. Right now I am feeling good vibes!
I spent Saturday and Sunday in St. Louis with my brothers. I introduced my nephews to disc golf and really hope they catch the bug. I watched a little golf with my dad and then took in the Cardinals game with my brothers. It was a great game and what a beautiful stadium! It wouldn’t be a trip without providing the family with a little tech support! Two printer, scanner, faxes in and working, one with wireless support! Note to the industry, Plug and Play is a joke!
It’s a rainy Monday, is this God’s way of telling me he is washing away the PCa cells? Perhaps. One way or another, I’ll know in about three hours.
Finally, school starts on Wednesday. Brad will be in seventh grade…I’m in shock! Where is the time going?
I’m not sure if I have, or even should share the following? I figure, what the heck.
As we sat in Mass on Sunday and prayed, I stopped to think what I really was asking God for when I pray.
I don’t ask for a cure to this disease, should I? Would that be selfish?
Mostly, I pray for time. I pray for good test results. I pray for happiness.
Next Monday is huge. Monday we will find out if re-starting Keto has helped. If not, we move on, but the options are not very encouraging.
The good news is that I feel great and would guess it is working, but we’ve been disappointed before, so I try not to get to excited. As Mary has put it, we are cautiously optimistic.
So I conclude with this:
God, give me strength
Allow me happiness in he midst of turmoil,
Provide me more time,
And the sense to know how to use it properly
In Jesus name,
Today we played a casual round of disc golf, Pete, Steve, Joe, Steve and myself. We all played rather terribly but the weather was ideal and the camaraderie top notch as we relived this past weeks events.
My thoughts were elsewhere as I could not help let my mind wander to the upcoming week. My friend Dan has his monthly follow up, please send a few prayers his way, Another friend John has a birthday tomorrow, Happy Birthday John!! Melissa turned the big 30 today, congratulations youngster!
Most importantly tomorrow is our 18th wedding anniversary and that weighed heavily on my mind.
I had already acquired a card and gifts for my lovely bride but I could not help wonder ‘how many more?” I pray for 20 and I hope for 25. Somewhat sobering to read, my apologies, but that’s where I was at and where my mind shifts to from time to time. I don’t dwell on it too long either as I continue to try to focus on what’s right and what’s good with my current condition. I am not sure there are many 46 year old men that could play 153 holes of disc golf in seven days, much less do it with advanced Prostate cancer. Seriously, I even cam home and mowed the grass!
I’m sharing this not in the hope of receiving accolades but because that is what this blog is all about, this is how I’m dealing with it, leading and living a “normal” life to the best of my ability. I hope and pray that there are others who find it and read it and are inspired to fight on!
Dan, my thoughts and prayers are with you tomorrow. John and Melissa, peace be with you both. Mary, well I’ll have much more to say about this tomorrow!
Today I finished this years World Disc Golf Championships, what a week it was.
I won’t go on and on with round by round coverage but instead will share the personal goals I had established before play began.
1) Shoot a total score of 360 or better. This was a bit of a stretch and meant that I had to average 60. Turns out I missed by little averaging 62.5 for a total of 375.
2) I wanted to shoot at least one round ‘rated’ 900 or above. A round rating is determined using your score versus all the other players in you division based on some highly complicated formula even I don’t understand fully. I consider this one a success because both yesterday morning and this afternoons rounds were over 900; 911 and 912, respectively.
3) I was trying to shoot par at the woods or ‘Down Under’ course but shot a 4 over 58. This included some terrible putting on my part. I missed 6 putts between 15 and 25 feet.
4) Finally, and most importantly I wanted to have fun and meet some new people – this was not much of goal to set because if I wasn’t having fun, what was the point of playing? Today I played with a most gracious man from Japan and a retired Army veteran from north east Kansas. During the week I played with guys from Tulsa, Austin, west Texas, Seattle, St Joseph Mo and South Dakota. In addition I met many, many other local and visiting players that were just great guys.
Enough for tonight next year the event is somewhere in OH and I have a tee time in the morning!
It’s going to be a crazy week of disc golf with very few thoughts, worries and concerns about
Prostate Cancer. I will be wearing blue every opportunity I can get in addition to an FLHW hat
as well.
For those of you not familiar with the sport, here’s a little insight into this week:
Note is the voice over: the largest event in the history of the sport!!
On the other hand, my PSA was up, way up. It now stands at 97.04 up from 66.14 last month.
While we did agree to pay less attention to my PSA when we left MD Anderson in April, this climb has me a bit concerned. This is my highest level since September 2006.I did leave with two new prescriptions for Ketoconozale and Hydrocortizone (HDK). This combination is what I took in 2006 when my initial treatment stopped working. It worked for 16 months, then I tried Nilandron, then I did chemo. Going back to Keto + HDK is somewhat of a risk. There is a chance that it might not work at all. We decided to give it one more try before moving on to something more serious and more toxic. We can try DES (very low amounts of estrogen) but want to keep that in reserve and may end up trying that next. Until some of the newer drugs (Provenge and Abiraterone) are either approved or open new trials, my next choice is another round of chemo in combination with some sort of clinical trial.I knew my PSA was going to be higher, I just did not expect it to be such a dramatic increase.