
Focus, from another continent

In my mind I have been contemplating several variations of this post for a few weeks. I received a note from a friend and in it this person referred to me as a hero. At first I wanted to grab a keyboard and proclaim “I am no hero”. For whatever reason, I just want to share, and hopefully benefit others with the my life experience. I don’t think I can carry the weight of that label. This clearly was not their intention, but those four letters stuck with me.

Life got the best of me this week and between work, doctors appointments and family activites I was not able to take the time to sit down and address this topic. Good thing because today I received a wonderful note that put it all in focus. DG, a young man from Uruguay sent me the note below. I have included it here with his permission.

Dear David, I followed your site and fb for a couple of years because my dad have pc.
2 days ago he lost his fight, six wonderful years fighting shoulder with shoulder with a exceptional father.

I write this mail to say how much helped us yours histories, your knowledge and your courage.
Maybe i dont wrote you before because my english (with the years is making worst and worst) but I still keeping reading your post every day, sharing your happiness and sadness, and this was keeping me pushing and pushing until the end.

I had the lucky and pride of keep my dad in my arms during her last travel with mom,my brother,my wife and my little daughter (Her princess ) in our home.
Now is time to rest for dad and for us.
Please keep fighting, i will keep reading

I cried, seriously. Perhaps it’s the rainy morning. Maybe it is recent news about PCa brethren facing tougher times ahead. Maybe it was the wonderful, complete day I had with Mary and Brad yesterday. What ever it was, his words touched me in a way I definitely needed at this time.

I also sit here and wonder why, two days after he lost his father, DG would write to me. Why? Maybe becasue this blog is more far-reaching and meaningful than I sometimes give it credit for. I am honored to use this medium to reach out to those touched by cancer. I’m just a guy with Prostate Cancer that, at the beginning of my journey, decided to share my battle with cancer publicly. If doing so reaches nearly all four corners of the world and I can bring just a little bit of peace to one man, one family, then we all are blessed.

DG, you and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
I dedicate the following prayer to your Father:

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.

4 Responses to Focus, from another continent

  1. David, you say:

    “I’m just a guy with Prostate Cancer that, at the beginning of my journey, decided to share my battle with cancer publicly.

    You’re not.

    I know anyone brought up as a Catholic has a problem with issues like false pride and hubris and so on, so of course you can’t admit to yourself that what you have done to date is well…..heroic. You have inspired hundreds or thousands of men and the only way you’re likely to stop us viewing you in this light is to stop sharing your amazing and brave voyage with us.

  2. Hey man, I’m Raffaele from Naples,Italy.I’m 24 years old and I’m following your story too. My uncle has a prostate cancer with bones metastasis too.
    What I can say to you is obviously to keep on fighting as you always did.
    Your determination and you brave is an example for all the sick people and for all the relatives who fight this hard battle together their beloved too.
    I really hope that Cabozantinib will be effective and your condition will improve.I’ll stay tuned. Good luck

  3. David , You have done so much for so many in this battle.Both through your foundation and in sharing your personal story. I wish you the best with the cabozantinib. Dan J