
No time to slow down

After spending the start of last week in Chicago, I looked at our calendar and July is packed with plans. Every weekend through the end of the month finds us busy, busy!

Between parties, dinners, visits with family, celebrating a friend’s 40th and an event for our charity, and the highlight….closing the month with Kenny Chesney and an out of town visit from a of friend and fellow PCa survivor.

The first week in August is our 20th wedding anniversary, then two weeks later school will be starting. It might as well be late August!

I’m sure the following thought has been penned in a more eloquent fashion, but right now I find myself living as such…. Don’t wait for the moments in life to happen, make them happen!

Would someone stop the carousel and remind me I’m in the midst of a little crisis! On second thought, don’t bother, the ride is a blast!